Topic development for Research Projects in
Theses and Dissertations related to
Virtualization, and Cloud Computing
technologies: By Sourabh Kishore

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In the modern world, Information and
Communication Technologies are very closely
integrated to form total solutions for
businesses. Hence, many academic topics for
dissertation and thesis research projects can
comprise of problem areas addressing both
these technologies when investigated in the
context of corporate business solutions, and for
solutions for government organisations,
not-for-profit organisations, and public
infrastructure services. Some of the solutions in
IT are widely debated because they are being
claimed to be the future of computing
infrastructures for IT enabled businesses. I
have come across numerous white papers that
attempt to establish the feasibility of these
technology solutions. These white papers,
mostly sponsored by original equipment
manufacturers, solution providers and service
providers, have been very effective in
outlining the benefits of these new solutions
and their high level design details such that
corporate business owners have started taking
interest in them. Virtualization, Cloud
Computing, Green Data Centres and Unified
Threat Management Solutions are four such
areas in which, significant number of academic
research studies are required. The research
topics related to virtualization, green data
centres, and unified threat management
require studies of fundamentals related to
cloud computing architectures, technologies,
and infrastructures given that cloud computing
is a successor of grid computing in which,
these technologies had evolved. Grid
computing itself transformed into cloud
computing after the advent of
service-orientation in computing employing
Hadoop, Map-Reduce, Big Data, WSDL,
HTML5, XML, SOAP, Software Defined
Networking, and multiple existing and
emerging technologies. A number of studies on
cloud computing architectures, technologies,
and infrastructures have been conducted in the
past but they have covered only small parts of
this massive computing domain. Many
customers are already running pilots and
partial cloud services in their IT infrastructure
systems but the mechanism of learning from
them is not clearly defined and implemented.
Such large scale changes in the world of IT
systems and networking cannot be
implemented based on ad-hoc learning from
pilots given that unstructured learning
approaches can lead to incorrect and biased
conclusions thus causing major setbacks to the
businesses. The focus should not be only on
saving capital expenditure and operating costs
but also on IT services, IT governance,
Information Security, Enterprise & Business
Security, Compliance, Reliability, Performance,
Uptime, Scalability, Manageability,
Serviceability, Disaster Recovery, Business
Continuity, and Sustainability. In fact, the
ground level implementation plans and their
challenges are inadequately analysed, tested
and ratified. The academic community can
find numerous opportunities in establishing
the validity of these new solutions. The
students should focus on studying the
realisation of business benefits claimed by the
OEMs and Solution Providers such that the
other side of picture evolves clearly. I hereby
present an outline of these research areas and
the suggested topics for the benefit of students
undertaking higher studies in IT systems for
their dissertation and theses research projects.

In addition to the suggestions below, please
contact us at or to get more topic
suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will
be happy to assist you in developing your
narrow research topic with an original
contribution based on the research context,
research problem, and the research aim, and
objectives. Further,
We also offer you to
develop the "problem description and
statement", "aim, objectives, research
questions", "design of methodology and
methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant
citations per topic" for
three topics of your
choice of research areas
at a nominal fee.
Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing,
critically thinking, discussing with your
reviewer, and developing your research
proposal. To avail this service, Please Click
Here for more details

(A) Green Data Centres
: This is also referred to
as sustainable data centres by many analysts.
The detailed specifications for designing and
deploying green data centres have been
released by many companies and independent
technology analysts. The primary target of
green data centres is to achieve "conservation
as much as possible" - energy conservation,
space conservation, cost conservation, resource
conservation, etc. The designers try to
implement systems that are as lean as possible.
But Gartner reports have warned about threats
of crossing conservation thresholds that can
result in reduced performance, reduced
productivity, reduced disaster recovery
capability and above all, reduced capacity and
flexibility to take on the business growth
challenges. Unfortunately, the consulting
world is closely affiliated to the OEMs and
Suppliers and hence all designs and solutions
are normally biased to achieve sales targets.
Hence, I suggest that students should come
forward and undertake dissertations and thesis
research projects to study the designs,
implementation plans and
maintenance/running/upgrading challenges
of green data centres. A number of topics can
evolve especially if the studies are focussed at
the local geographies where the students are
residing. The reader will appreciate the fact
that medium to large scale data centres require
enormous power capacities that the buildings
meant for office spaces cannot build to host
them even if they have the requisite space for
hosting the racks for network devices and
servers. In my consulting assignments, I have
struggled significantly to fit the equipment
power ratings into the power budget provided
by the building administrators. A medium to
large scale data centre may require anywhere
between 500 KVA to 1200 KVA (or may be
more) of power capacity which is not provided
by even large scale builders offering office
spaces of the order of 100000 square feet per
floor or more; and yes, please keep in mind
that I am only talking about the data centre
and not the desktops, laptops, lights,
airconditioning, heating, etc. of the employee
areas. With the rapid growth of businesses in
the modern world of globalization, data
centres can no longer be squeezed and made a
bottleneck for business growth. This is,
probably, the last thing upon which a business
may like to compromise. Hence, Green Data
Centres appear to be the solution for the future.
Also, it will be well integrated with the
philosophy of the Green Building revolution
across the world. Every original equipment
manufacturer is working towards reducing the
power consumption ratings of its products.
They have already done well in reducing the
form factor and hence the heat dissipation of
servers and network equipment, but energy
conservation is still not addressed adequately.
Overall, the total solutions should be a
combination of energy efficient solutions and
products. In this context, virtualization is
gaining significant popularity across the world.
The students may like to conduct separate
researches on implementation of green data
centres and virtualization or else combine both
of them to conduct integrated researches.

The framework of green data centres should
take into account the triple bottom line
objectives of environment protection,
economical management and operations, and
people-friendly systems, structures, policies,
and procedures. The focus should be on
achieving the objectives in a balanced manner
using multiobjectives criteria. The studies on
green data centres may be designed to explore
the following areas pertaining to
characteristics, performance metrics, and
measures of green data centres (study of the
key characteristics of green data centres and
the key performance metrics and measurement
methods that help in determining the
greenness performance of the data centre
operations ), and technical standards and
solutions for meeting the sustainability
objectives of the green data centres:

(1) Energy efficiency and performance
(2) Lighting efficiency and perfromance
(3) Form factors and floor area usage per
million units of performance and capacity
(4) Deployment and stacking of servers,
backup systems, storage systems &
networking, and communications equipment,
(5) Green racks and enclosures
(6) Heat dissipation efficiency, cooling
efficiency, and humidity control efficiency
(7) Green standards for cabling and
(8) Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions,
carbon foot prints, and other harmful emissions
(9) Reduction of noise pollution
(10) Protection against fire hazards, smoke
hazards, explosions, radiations, and other
forms of hazards
(11) Economics and costs efficiency of
managing assets and data centre operations;
green budgeting while designing a green data
(12) Distributed architecture, decentralisation
and virtualisation
(13) Design excelence and efficiency in
software systems, server systems, input/output
systems, peripherals, data storage, and
communication systems
(14) Processing, storage, and communications
efficiency and performance measures
(virtualisation and cloud computing)
(15) Dynamic provisioning, utilisating, and
load balancing of processing, storage, and
communication systems
(16) Detection, monitoring, and management
of heat waves, hot spots, hot and cold aisles,
and air flow density
(17) Reduced physical deployments through
optimisation of virtual deployments
(18) Eliminating redundant and duplicate data,
and practising compressions for optimising
data storage
(19) Considering green data centre standards
in building architectures and designs
(20) Clean and renewable energy systems for
powering the data centres (such as solar panels
deployed on the top of the building)
(21) Optimum utilisation of all ICT assets and
(22) People-friendly organisation structures,
operating procedures, work stacks, methods,
tools, techniques, and protection equipment
(23) Factors contributing to value creation in
green data centres
(24) Legal and regulatory compliance
requirements of green data centres
(25) Risk management in green data centres
(26) Eco-labeling and eco-identification
protocols of ICT assets
(27) Green metrics, green measures, green
testing tools, and green assessment
methodologies of green data centres
(28) Green performance standards of green
mobile data and cellular networks
(29) Energy conscious software and
applications programming, backup and
recovery designs, and data storage and data
retrieval designs
(30) Energy aware decision-making and
management of green data centres
(31) Dynamic activation and deactivation of
components in green data centres based on
activity detection (configuring activity
timeouts for energy conservation in green data
(32) Green operations efficiency of hypervisors
and virtual machines
(33) Dynamic performance scaling of green
components based on change in environmental
and operating conditions
(34) Multi-agent systems for management of
green data centres
(35) Automation of awareness of consumption
patterns of energy in green data centres
(36) Energy aware clustering and arrays
formation in green data centres
(37) Evergy aware design, deployment,
configurations, and scheduling of High
Performance IT applications in virtualised
cloud computing systems
(38) Energy aware design of future Internet
infrastructures, and data and communications
centres managed by Internet and Cloud
Service Providers
(39) Integrating green data centre attributes,
virtualisation attibutes, and service-orientation
attributes for creating green cloud computing
(40) Green virtual networking design for grid
and cloud computing infrastructures

The above list is a representative sample of the
areas that can be studied in the research field
of green data centres. Each area can be
explored for formulating numerous narrowed
research topics for dissertation and thesis
research projects. This list can be expanded
further by studying the emerging research
reports, standards, and frameworks. The idea
is to select one problem at a time and conduct
an exploratory, mathematical, experimental, or
statistical study for designing and presenting a

In addition to the suggestions above, please
contact us at or to get more topic
suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will
be happy to assist you in developing your
narrow research topic with an original
contribution based on the research context,
research problem, and the research aim, and
objectives. Further,
We also offer you to
develop the "problem description and
statement", "aim, objectives, research
questions", "design of methodology and
methods", and "10 to 15 most relevant
citations per topic" for
three topics of your
choice of research areas
at a nominal fee.
Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing,
critically thinking, discussing with your
reviewer, and developing your research
proposal. To avail this service, Please Click
Here for more details

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pertaining to our services to view the broader
perspective of our offerings for Dissertations
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Sincere Regards, Sourabh Kishore.. Apologies
for the interruption!! Please continue reading!!

(B) Virtualization Solutions: Virtualization
has become the buzz word when future
solutions for IT enabling of businesses are
discussed. This refers to the technology in
which multiple virtual machines can run on a
single hardware as if they are independent
computers used by independent users. Some
strategists argue that virtualization is one of
the key deliverables in deployment of green
data centres. The products from Microsoft,
VMware, and Red Hat can enable end to end
implementation of virtualization solutions.
Many companies have already started
implementing virtual servers in their data
centres hosted on blade server hardware. With
all the buzz around, very few have employed
structured research procedures to determine
whether the self hosted virtualization solutions
are able to deliver to the business as per the
claims made. I suggest that the students should
come forward and employ empirical
techniques like Phenomenography to
investigate the actual business benefits
achieved by corporations by implementing
in-house virtualization. A large number of
topics can evolve in this problem area. The
focus should be on cost reduction as well as
improvement in productivity and performance
of the business. Gartner reports have warned
about many negative effects of virtualization if
the corporate strategies, performance
objectives and corporate
governance/information security objectives
are not included in the architectures designed
by the solution providers. In my consulting
assignments, I have observed that the business
stake holders are very reluctant to accept
virtualization to host their business critical
solutions due to absence of proven track
records and absence of empirical
generalizations in the academic world. This is a
very vast area for academic research. The
students can create multiple virtual hosting
scenarios on OPNET Modeler or similar tools
and simulate the models to generate results.
Additionally, the students may like to conduct
case studies on Corporations, SMEs and
Entrepreneurs that have already hosted their
IT systems on virtual servers. Some of the areas
proposed to be investigated are the following:

(1) Investigating different types of
virtualisation solutions and virtual machine
(2) Design, performance, and operations of
servers after hosting multiple operating
systems and applications in a virtual data
(3) Design, performance, and operations of
virtual networking
(4) Design, performance, and operations of
virtual network data storage
(5) Network traffic management in virtual data
centres and virtual networks
(6) Users' experience in virtualised ICT
(7) Virtualising IP multimedia solutions
(8) Virtualisation and sustainability of data
centres and networks
(9) Virtualising mobile data and cellular
(10) Resilience and fail over in virtual servers,
storage systems, and networks
(11) Data organization and management in
(12) Information security challenges and
solutions in virtualised ICT infrastructures
(13) Software delivery and license
management in virtualised ICT infrastructures
(14) Auditing, IT governance, IT services, of
virtualised ICT infrastructures
(15) Competitive advantages gained by
businesses through virtualisation
(16) The role of virtualisation in grid and cloud
(17) Design, deployment, testing, and
evaluation of virtual ICT systems
(18) Virtualisation and rapid deployment of
temporary or permanent ICT systems (such as,
ICT systems for disaster relief missions)
(19) Security threats and information security
solutions in virtualised ICT infrastructures
(20) Multi-agent systems for virtualisation
resources management and propagating
security policies and controls
(21) Virtualisation designs for green cloud
computing to ensure sustainable processing,
data storage, and data transmissions
(22) Optimisation and operations efficiency of
hypervisors and virtual machines
(23) Resources allocation based on awareness
of consumption of processing, storage, and
bandwidth capacity and consumption of
(24) Multi-tenancy and resources sharing in
virtualised ICT infrastructures and systems
(25) Virtualisation systems and
communications standards and technologies
for deploying and monitoring smart grid
(26) Application, databases, networking, and
personal computing virtualisation technologies
and solutions
(27) Emulations, State Mapping, and
Compatibility in virtual machines
(28) Emerging applications in virtual machines
environments for scientific research in high
power IT emulations
(29) Qualty of service and service levels
assurance in virtual machines emulated
(30) Multi-layer static and dynamic agents for
security policy and controls updating in virtual
cloud computing environments
(31) Deployment, monitoring, and
management of De-Militarised Zones (DMZs)
in virtualised ICT infrastructures
(32) Virtual organisational clustering and
virtual private clouds separated by virtual
boundaries in grid and cloud computing
(33) Virtual machine pooling and on-demand
allocation in grid and cloud computing
(34) Virtual machines identity attestation and
identity protection of tenants in grid and cloud
computing environments
(35) Role of virtual machines in virtual
integration theory of cloud-based supply chain
(36) Positioning and migration of virtual
machine pools and efficient distribution of
virtual amchines in grid and cloud computing
(37) Designing, deploying, and integrating
virtual private clouds for enterprise
architectures in Amazon AWS environments
(38) Role of lateral and embedded monitoring
in virtual machines monitor for securing virtual
ICT infrastructures
(39) Mobile IPv6 design, deployment, and
monitoring in virtual mobile networks
(40) Virtual switching on cloud computing for
massive virtual network designs and
(41) Authentication, authorisation, and
accounting systems for virtual machines
allocation in cloud computing
(42) Automated management framework for
managing virtual machines pools and
allocations to cloud tenants
(43) Service-orientation of autonomous servers,
networks, and storage virtualisation in retail
(44) Changes in network security architecture
and design in virtual data centres
(45) Impact of virtualisation on OLAP, Data
Mining, and Data Warehousing architectures
(46) Virtual machines provisioning with quality
of service guarantees in cloud computing
(47) Design of virtual campuses in E-learning
using virtualisation and service-orientation in
cloud computing
(48) Virtual Private Clouds for Enterprise
Architectures in Cloud Computing

The above list is a representative sample of the
areas that can be studied in the research field
of virtualisation. Each area can be explored for
formulating numerous narrowed research
topics for dissertation and thesis research
projects. This list can be expanded further by
studying the emerging research reports,
standards, and frameworks. The idea is to
select one problem at a time and conduct an
exploratory, mathematical, experimental, or
statistical study for designing and presenting a
solution. For research on virtualisation and
cloud computing security, please click here for
access to our article on topic development in
these areas.

In addition to the suggestions above, please
contact us at or to get more topic
suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will
be happy to assist you in developing your
narrow research topic with an original
contribution based on the research context,
research problem, and the research aim, and
objectives. Further,
We also offer you to
develop the "problem description and
statement", "aim, objectives, research
questions", "design of methodology and
methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant
citations per topic" for
three topics of your
choice of research areas
at a nominal fee.
Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing,
critically thinking, discussing with your
reviewer, and developing your research
proposal. To avail this service, Please Click
Here for more details

Cloud Computing: This is evolving as a
service facilitating IT resources on demand by
virtue of applications and business services
hosted on Virtualized IT Infrastructures with
green computing. Many OEMs have already
launched cloud computing services to
corporations across the world - like IBM Blue
Cloud, Google Apps Cloud, Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon AWS,
Microsoft Office Cloud, SAP Cloud, Oracle
Cloud, Sales Force Cloud, Adobe Creative
Suite Cloud, and many more cloud service
offerings. These service providers claim that
the customers can get any IT resource on
demand - storage capacity, memory, network
bandwidth, application license, etc. The market
is developed to such an extent that millions of
customers are already availing these services.
The students have significant opportunities to
study the benefits of cloud computing to
businesses across the world. A large number of
case studies is possible because the concept has
gained popularity across the globe. It needs to
be investigated if the current virtualisation
service providers on IT infrastructure clouds
are fully ready to undertake the responsibility
of running mission critical businesses (like
banks, financial services, trading and
investments, etc.) the way they have been
running reliably in traditional data centres. It
will be quite interesting for the students to
conduct interviews with professionals that
have already hosted their services on virtual
servers. The attributes to be investigated are:
Reliability, Uptime, Speed and Performance,
Elasticity (resources on demand), Billing,
Information Systems Strategy, IT Strategy,
Information Security, IT Governance, IT
Services (to end users), etc. The cloud
computing service providers have emerged
into three categories - Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The three
categories have evolved due to different
business models, different ways of customer
engagement, and investments. The SaaS
providers normally engage with SMEs that do
not want to invest on data centres and large
scale expensive software applications. They are
dependent upon PaaS and IaaS providers. The
PaaS providers normally engage with SaaS
providers or application service providers
(ASPs) for developing, integrating, hosting and
maintaining software applications, and are
dependent upon the IaaS providers. The IaaS
providers normally engage with PaaS
providers, and with large enterprises that make
significant use of cloud hosting along with
their own self hosted virtual infrastructures.
The students may normally get access to SMEs
and hence can focus on their perspectives of
defining what they need and how much they
need from the SaaS providers, and what they
get from the latter. For example, the SMEs may
first design the business requirement
specifications and translate them into
technology needs (concurrent sessions, MTUs,
minimum and maximum file sizes, inter-arrival
times and pattern, database connects and
queries, storage space for files and databases,
retrieval times and frequencies, report
generation, DSS transactions, numbers and
frequencies of e-mails, concurrent users, etc.).
The technology needs can be modelled in
OPNET to generate the application demands
and the resulting capacity requirements on
databases, servers, and networking. The
modern concept in cloud computing is
pertaining to Cloudlets that can be viewed as
service units packaged with multiple
components offered by SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
service providers. Cloudlets can be modelled
and simulated on CloudSim, and also on
OPNET and OMNET++ to some extent. The
students may like to focus on determining
various performance, behavioural, capacity,
security, availability, resilience, etc. factors
from the perspective of SMEs, and model the
ways by which the three types of cloud
computing service providers can deliver them.
Let us understand this by an example. Suppose
that a SME needs 1024 to 4096 bytes of
database files to be queried by a browser based
application client that fires 10 queries per
minute per user. This is needed in parallel with
30 mails per hour per user, and 10 files of sizes
100KB to 400 KB transferred per user per hour.
These parameters can be easily configured on
OPNET. The resulting statistics of application
demands and resource utilisation (database,
servers, networking) can give an idea of what
is needed from the SaaS provider. The SaaS
provider will estimate the capacity of cloudlets
based on the statistics and communicate to the
PaaS and IaaS providers. The resulting service
configurations can be offered to the client at a
recurring price. This is a better approach than
signing the capacity on demand SLA, in which
the budget proposal to the management is
impossible before signing the contract. In fact
methodology of signing cloud SLAs is one such
area where numerous topics can be formulated.
Some of the areas proposed to be investigated
are the following:

(1) Advent of global corporate networks
through cloud computing with ubiquitous
(2) Architectures for service-orientation and
service decision models for multi-tenancy on
cloud computing infrastructures
(3) Consolidation of application and platform
service providers through cloud computing
exchanges, cloud brokers, and framework
(4) Supply chains and networks reengineering
through public cloud computing
(5) The ecosystem of cloud computing and its
service models for individuals and businesses
(6) Applications, software, platforms,
databases, storage, and networking services
provisioning on cloud computing
(7) Retail management and inventory
management through RFID assets tracking in
the virtual shopping malls through cloud
(8) Services-oriented distributed and cellular
manufacturing through multi-producer
collaboration on cloud computing
(9) A Survey of key technological systems and
solutions on cloud computing
(10) Fundamentals of cloud-based ICT systems
for small and medium sized enterprises
(11) Sustainability in ICT systems and solutions
through cloud computing adoption
(12) Resource provisioning models for cloud
service negotiators and service dispatchers
(13) Integrating and managing Internet of
Things through cloud computing
(14) Supervisory and distributed control
systems through cloud computing
(15) Virtual Machines and Virtual Networking
security on cloud computing
(16) Distributed intrusion detection and
prevention systems in virtual machine
monitors for detecting coordinated attacks on
cloud computing
(17) High Capacity and High Performance
Computing on cloud computing through
massively parallel cluster computing on
infrastructure clouds
(18) Mutilevel and hierarchical access control
and data security modeling on cloud
(19) Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
planning and management on cloud
(20) ISO 27017, NIST 800-144, ISO 27005,
COBIT 5, Risk IT, CSA Cloud Controls Matrix,
and COSO frameworks for information
security and information risk management on
cloud computing
(21) Incident Management, Problem
management, and Digital Forensics on cloud
(22) Optimum resource allocation based on
utilisation, energy consumption awareness,
and performance analysis for sustainable cloud
(23) Resource allocation based on service level
agreements on cloud computing
(24) Multi-layer service desks and service calls
routing for cloud exchanges integrating
multiple service providers
(25) Failover and fault tolerance designs and
specifications for disaster prevention and
services continuity on cloud computing
(26) Independent cloud based storage area
networks following the principles of reduntant
array of independent disks (RAID) in
self-hosted servers
(27) Pervasive computing and sensors
networking through cloud computing
(28) Auditability and public verifiability of data
storage security on cloud computing
(29) Scientific cloud-based applications for big
data analysis, faceted search modeling,
cloud-based data marts, and cloud-based data
(30) Location-based services and vehicular
networking in mobile cloud computing using
mobile IPv6
(31) Dynamic load distribution and regulation
of images slideshows, and video and audio
streaming through cloud computing
(32) Distributed architectures for massive
databases of high definition images on cloud
(33) Multi-core processors, multi-processor
servers, and multi-server arrays for massive
virtual machine scalablity designs on cloud
(34) Massive parallel computing and scalability
of business web applications on cloud
(35) Applications of cloud computing in
national governance, public services, public
procurements, and public-private partnerships
(36) IT Security and IT Governance of
corporate information systems on cloud
computing infrastructures
(37) Multi-phase and Multi-layer scheduling of
application services offered by different service
providers on cloud computing
(38) Collaborative commerce and strategic
suppliers management through cloud-based
supply chain management
(39) The economics and business feasibility of
cloud-hosted IT versus self-hosted IT
(40) Architectures, designs, implementation
approaches, and applications of mobile cloud
(41) Competitive advantages, competitive
challenges, and industry dynamics in
cloud-hosted IT environments for businesses
(42) Changes in employment management,
human resources strategies, and employee
productivity in cloud-based IT environments
for businesses
(43) Security services, risks management,
policy enforcements, and dynamic security
resources allocation in mobile cloud computing
(44) Multi-agent systems for distributed data
mining and warehousing on cloud computing
taking data fragments from diverse data
sources on the Internet
(45) Business models, architectures, designs,
deployments, and applications of private and
community cloud computing
(46) Emergence, value propositions, and
innovations of cloud computing in developing
(47) Value chains and value networking
through enterprise cloud computing
(48) Managed security systems and unified
threat management on cloud computing
infrastructures using distributed virtual
machine monitors
(49) Business models, services offering,
services management, and billing systems
designs and deployment for cloud computing
service providers
(50) Survey of attacks, exploits, detection,
detentions, preventions, and remediations in
cloud computing security and threat
(51) Virtual Private Clouds and Virtual Private
Networking for designing and implementing
enterprise IT systems in Amazon AWS
(52) Dynamic virtual private networking for
private and community cloud computing
(53) Legal, regulatory, trust, privacy, and
auditing challenges for IT systems and
applications hosted on cloud computing

The above list is a representative sample of the
areas that can be studied in the research field
of cloud computing. Each area can be explored
for formulating numerous narrowed research
topics for dissertation and thesis research
projects. This list can be expanded further by
studying the emerging research reports,
standards, and frameworks. The idea is to
select one problem at a time and conduct an
exploratory, mathematical, experimental, or
statistical study for designing and presenting a
solution. For research on virtualisation and
cloud computing security, please click here for
access to our article on topic development in
these areas

In addition to the suggestions above, please
contact us at or to get more topic
suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will
be happy to assist you in developing your
narrow research topic with an original
contribution based on the research context,
research problem, and the research aim, and
objectives. Further,
We also offer you to
develop the "problem description and
statement", "aim, objectives, research
questions", "design of methodology and
methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant
citations per topic" for
three topics of your
choice of research areas
at a nominal fee.
Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing,
critically thinking, discussing with your
reviewer, and developing your research
proposal. To avail this service, Please Click
Here for more details

Unified Threat Management (UTM)
: Unified Threat Management
services framework is a new innovation in the
world of Internet Service Providers using
network and host based security products
operating on cloud computing platforms. This
framework is expected to create new waves of
user expectations, service offerings, revenue
models and client engagements that have not
been tapped till date due to lack of empirical
models. The SMEs and Corporations looking
forward to transitioning their IT systems to
Cloud Computing platforms can hire UTM
solutions from an ISP connecting them to the
Cloud Computing vendor. One can imagine
AOL, AT&T or British Telecom connecting a
large client with globally dispersed users to
Google Apps through UTM protected
networked links from client desktops/laptops
to Google servers whereby all the security
controls are taken care of by UTM devices
implemented by these ISPs. This is an
emerging area that requires enormous research
efforts, especially from students. Consolidating
security solutions with one service provider
has many implications in terms of reliability,
dependability, rate of attacks and breaches,
third party (service provider) compliance to
the information security policies of the
customers, ownership of damages to the
businesses if things go wrong, strategies to
switch service providers, etc. I suggest that
students should undertake studies on
comparison of UTM solutions with traditional
in-house security implementation of
corporations from business as well as
technological perspectives.
Please visit our
page on
for more information.

I suggest that students undergoing advanced
courses in Information Technology and
Communications should develop new topics in
these areas and conduct researches for their
forthcoming dissertation and thesis research
projects. If all the current challenges are
brought to the table, I can visualise more than
100 topics on which the students and academic
researchers can undertake research
assignments. Some of these topics have already
been undertaken by students employing our
support and mentoring services but more
contribution is required from the academic
world. Tools like OPNET MODELER and
OMNET++ can be employed to simulate
various real life networking solutions to verify
the behaviour and performance of these
modern technologies in a laboratory
environment. I personally like OPNET
MODELER because of its capability of
simulating real world wireless products (like
Cisco High end switches and routers). OPNET
MODELER academic edition is offered free of
cost to students by Riverbed Inc. under their
university program. The academic version
possesses all the features of OPNET
MODELER except that it can simulate the
maximum of 50 million events which is,
however, more than sufficient to simulate any
network model created for academic research.
ETCO India has in-house expertise and
experience in carrying out Network Modeling,
Simulation and Analysis of results in OPNET
MODELER academic edition
. After
successfully completing the network modeling,
running multiple simulations and generating
multiple reports on OPNET MODELER, the
model files are transferred to the customers'
computers and the trainings are provided over
Skype employing audio/video conferencing.
Any technical errors in the OPNET models are
corrected by taking remote control of
customers' machines over TeamViewer.

In addition to the suggestions above, please
contact us at or to get more topic
suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will
be happy to assist you in developing your
narrow research topic with an original
contribution based on the research context,
research problem, and the research aim, and
Further, We also offer you to
develop the "problem description and
statement", "aim, objectives, research
questions", "design of methodology and
methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant
citations per topic" for
three topics of your
choice of research areas
at a nominal fee.
Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing,
critically thinking, discussing with your
reviewer, and developing your research
proposal. To avail this service, Please Click
Here for more details

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Please contact us at or to
discuss your topic or to get
ideas about new topics
pertaining to your subject